How to Make Moka Coffee with an Italian Coffee Maker

Author: Veruska Anconitano, Award-Winning Food Travel Journalist, Sommelier & Outdoor LoverAuthor information
About the author
Veruska Anconitano
Veruska is a a food travel journalist with awards to her credit, such as World Best Food Travel Journalist. She holds a certification as a sommelier and she is also an ardent lover of the outdoors. Aside from this, Veruska is a Multilingual SEO and Localization Consultant and co-owns multiple websites that cater to a global audience.
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Coffee isn’t just a beverage in Italy—it’s a cherished ritual, a moment of joy savoured throughout the day. Whether it’s a morning wake-up call or an afternoon pick-me-up, the traditional Italian Moka coffee made in a Moka pot (or Italian coffee maker) is much more than a simple cup of joe; it’s a testament to a lifestyle centred around pleasure quality and tradition.

In this comprehensive guide, you will embark on a journey to understand the art and science of making authentic Moka coffee using an Italian coffee maker, or Moka pot, guided by the insights and secrets of a passionate Italian coffee lover who has been nurtured with this tradition for her entire life. I am an Italian who live and breathe coffee, and my devotion to this ritual runs deep in my veins.

This guide isn’t just about technical instructions; it’s about sharing the essence of the Italian coffee culture. From understanding the significance of the Moka pot—a humble yet ingenious Italian invention—to learning how to brew Moka coffee that sings with rich, complex notes, this guide holds the essence of Italian coffee wisdom passed down through generations.

As you immerse yourself in this guide, you’ll gain access to insider tips and secrets that only true Italians know and follow. I hope you’ll adopt these time-honoured practices, transforming your daily coffee routine into a genuinely Italian experience. So, prepare to dive deep into the wonderful world of Moka coffee—Italian style, of course!

Moka Coffee: An Emblem of Italian Tradition

If there’s one thing we Italians know how to do well, it’s coffee. Even among the plethora of coffee preparations worldwide, Italian coffee has carved its niche thanks to its distinct flavour, preparation style, and cultural connotations that come along. One coffee brew that embodies Italian coffee tradition is the Moka coffee, made with a traditional Italian coffee maker.  

Originating from Italy, Moka coffee is not just another type of coffee with healthy benefits; it is an institution, a lifestyle, and an indispensable part of the daily routine for millions of Italians. The Moka coffee is prepared with a unique device known as the Moka pot. This stovetop coffee maker has become a symbol of Italian coffee culture worldwide, producing a robust, richly aromatic cup of coffee that balances the strength of espresso and the smoothness of brewed coffee. 

Moka Coffee owes its name to the city of Mocha, located in Yemen. In the annals of coffee history, Mocha holds a special place. It was one of the major coffee trade centres in the 17th and 18th centuries, and the term “mocha” became synonymous with high-quality coffee. The coffee beans from the Mocha port were renowned for their distinctive flavour – a unique blend of chocolatey notes, a hint of wine, and a dash of spiciness. This made Mocha a historical centre of coffee excellence. 

When Alfonso Bialetti, an Italian engineer, invented the Moka pot in 1933, he was inspired by this rich coffee history. He named his invention “Moka Express” in honour of the city that has left an indelible mark on the world of coffee. The Moka pot became an instant success in Italy, and soon, preparing Moka coffee with an Italian coffee maker became an integral part of Italian home life, often associated with the warmth and comfort of family gatherings. 

In essence, making Moka coffee is an art; a tradition passed down from generation to generation. The process starts by filling the Moka pot’s lower chamber with water, and then adding finely ground coffee to the filter basket. As the water heats up, the pressure pushes the water through the coffee grounds into the top chamber, resulting in a full-bodied, aromatic coffee that is savoured and enjoyed slowly, whether at the breakfast table or during an afternoon break. 

This traditional method of brewing coffee, coupled with the use of the Moka pot, results in a uniquely Italian coffee experience. The rich flavour, the deep aroma, and the warmth of the cup in hand create a moment of tranquillity, a sense of belonging, and a connection to the centuries-old tradition of coffee making.

With its roots firmly planted in Italian tradition and its name paying homage to a historical centre of coffee excellence, Moka coffee offers more than just a caffeine fix. It invites us into a timeless tradition, a piece of Italy’s rich cultural heritage, and an everyday ritual that celebrates the joy of simplicity, the beauty of patience, and the delight of savouring the moment.

Moka Pot

Understanding the Moka Pot: The Engine of Italian Coffee 

At the heart of the Moka coffee tradition lies an ingeniously simple yet remarkably effective device – the Moka pot. The Moka pot, often described as a stovetop espresso maker, is a two-chambered device primarily made of three components: the bottom chamber or cylinder, the filter funnel, and the top chamber or collector. 

The bottom chamber, typically cylindrical, serves as the water reservoir. This is where you fill with cold water up to a level indicated by a safety valve. The safety valve is an essential part of the pot’s design, providing a release for excessive pressure that might build up during the brewing process.

The filter funnel sits atop the bottom chamber, a cone-shaped component with a flat, perforated bottom. This is where you put the coffee grounds. The coffee should be consistent with espresso and drip coffee for the best results.

The top chamber, or the collector, is where the brewed coffee ends. It comes equipped with a second removable filter held in place by a rubber gasket. This filter prevents the coffee grounds from making their way into your cup, ensuring a clean, grit-free brew.

One of the essential maintenance aspects of the Moka pot is to change the seal and the removable filter regularly. Over time, with regular use, the rubber gasket and the filter can wear down or get clogged with coffee residue. This affects the taste of your coffee and could result in leaks or an ineffective brewing process. Replacing these parts when needed will help prolong your Moka pot’s life and ensure consistently great-tasting Moka coffee.

Overall, the Moka pot is a marvel of functional design and simplicity. Its durability, combined with its exceptional coffee, makes it a staple in many Italian homes and coffee lovers worldwide. With its basic components and straightforward operation, this seemingly humble device prioritizes simplicity, functionality, and elegance in everyday life.

Preparing Moka Coffee: A Step-by-Step Guide to Italian Coffee Excellence

Creating a delicious cup of Moka coffee is an art that requires a bit of practice, a good understanding of the process, and, most importantly, a love for a good brew. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate through the traditional Italian method of making Moka coffee using a Moka pot. 

Step 1: Fill the Base Chamber with Water

Start by filling the base chamber of your Moka pot with cold water. It’s important to fill it only up to the level of the safety valve or a bit below. Do not cover the valve; it is a safety feature to release pressure if it gets too high.

Step 2: Add the Coffee to the Filter

Next, insert the filter funnel into the base chamber. Fill the filter with ground coffee until it’s full but not overflowing. The grind size should be somewhere between the consistency of espresso and drip coffee. Remember, do not tamp or pack the coffee into the filter; this can lead to over-extraction or block the passage of water, leading to a bitter or weak coffee.

Step 3: Assemble the Pot

Ensure that the filter and rubber gasket are in place and in good condition. Screw the top chamber onto the base. Ensure it’s screwed on tightly to avoid leaks during brewing, but don’t over-tighten as it could damage the gasket.

Step 4: Brew Your Coffee

Place the Moka pot on the stove and turn on the heat. Keep the heat low to medium; high heat can cause the water to push through the coffee too rapidly, resulting in a bitter taste.

Step 5: Watch for the Coffee

As the water in the base chamber heats, it will create pressure that forces the water up through the coffee grounds, and the brewed coffee will start to appear in the top chamber. You’ll hear a gurgling sound when this happens. 

Step 6: Remove from Heat

Here’s where you need to pay close attention. Remove the pot from the heat as soon as the coffee stops flowing smoothly and starts to gurgle and bubble. The remaining heat from the Moka pot will complete the brewing process.

Step 7: Mix and Serve

Before pouring, mix the coffee with a spoon to ensure the flavours are well distributed, as the coffee that comes out at the start of brewing can be different from the coffee at the end. Pour into your favourite cup and enjoy!

How to use a moka pot

During this process, there are a few critical points to remember. 


  • Always use fresh, high-quality coffee.
  • Clean your Moka pot thoroughly after each use.
  • Replace the rubber seal and the filter when they show signs of wear.


  • Never tamp the coffee grounds into the filter.
  • Don’t use a grind that’s too fine or too coarse.
  • Never leave the Moka pot unattended on the stove.
  • Do not overfill the bottom chamber or block the safety valve.

Brewing coffee with a Moka pot might require more attention than other methods, but the reward is worth the effort. The result is a rich, full-bodied coffee with a strong aroma and a flavour that can hold its own against the best cups of coffee in the world. Enjoy the process and savour the outcome; that’s what making Moka coffee is all about.

How to Make Moka Espresso Coffee With A Moka Pot: Video

How to Choose the Right Moka Pot Size

Choosing the right size of a Moka pot can be confusing initially because it’s generally indicated by the number of ‘cups’ it makes. However, these are not the typical American or European coffee cups but espresso-size servings, which are considerably smaller. Here’s a guide to help you make an informed decision:

1-Cup Moka Pot: This is the smallest size available, and it’s perfect for a single serving of strong coffee. If you’re the only coffee drinker in your household or like your coffee strong, this could be a good choice. 

3-Cup Moka Pot: This pot makes about one regular-sized cup of coffee, equivalent to 3 small espresso-size servings. This size could be a great fit if you usually have one cup of coffee in the morning and prefer a strong, bold flavour.

6-Cup Moka Pot: This pot can serve up to six people with its yield or can roughly produce 2 regular-sized cups of coffee. This makes it an excellent choice for coffee drinkers or people looking for a long cup of Italian coffee.

9-Cup and 12-Cup Moka Pots: These larger sizes are great for households with several coffee drinkers or for when you have guests. Remember, the cups referred to here are espresso-size, so that a 9-cup Moka pot would provide about three regular-sized cups of coffee.

When determining the appropriate size to purchase, consider these key factors:

  • Consumption: Think about your daily coffee consumption. A larger size would be suitable if you like having more than one cup of strong coffee daily or making coffee for multiple people.
  • Strength Preference: Moka pots brew a strong cup of coffee. If you prefer less intense coffee, you can dilute a smaller Moka brew with hot water to make an Americano or milk for a latte or cappuccino.
  • Stove Size and Source: Make sure the Moka pot fits well on your stove. Some larger Moka pots might not fit on smaller burners. If you have an induction stove, ensure the Moka pot is in-compatible.

What are some of the best moka pots to buy?

If you’re looking to buy your first (or just another) Moka pot, here’s my recommendation based on my experience and daily use.

Block Image
Best overall: Bialetti Moka Pot
Bialetti is an iconic Italian brand, and its Moka pots are known for their quality and durability. The Bialetti Express is the original Moka pot available in various sizes and colours and it features the classic Bialetti octagon shape in an high quality polished aluminum. This is my first choice when it comes to Italian coffee makers. You can pair the Moka pot with a lot of other Bialetti accessories such as coffee cups. Visit the Bialetti Store on Amazon for the whole range of products and Moka pots available.
Check on Amazon

Other worthwhile Moka pots to consider:

  1. Alessi Espresso Coffee Maker Stovetop Moka Pot: This stainless steel Moka pot is known for its style and design. It’s more expensive than many other options, but it’s also considered a piece of art. Check prices and availability on Amazon.
  2. De’Longhi Alicia Electric Moka Espresso Maker: If you’re looking for an electric version, this one by De’Longhi is very popular. It has a keep-warm function, an automatic shut-off, and a transparent container to watch the coffee as it brews. Check prices and availability on Amazon.
  3. Primula Classic Stovetop Moka Pot: This cast aluminium Moka pot is well-reviewed for its durability and the quality of its coffee. Check prices and availability on Amazon.
  4. Stovetop Espresso Maker by GROSCHE: This model is appreciated for its heavy, high-quality aluminium construction and smooth coffee brew. Check prices and availability on Amazon.

Remember, the right Moka pot for you depends on your preferences, including size requirements, budget, and whether you want a stovetop or an electric model. Always consider these factors and look at recent reviews before purchasing.

Moka Coffee vs. Espresso: What’s the Best?

When choosing between Moka coffee and espresso, it isn’t a straightforward decision of “which one is better?” It’s more about personal preference, flavour profiles, brewing methods, and the coffee experience you enjoy most.

Moka Coffee

Moka coffee is made using the Moka pot, an Italian stovetop coffee maker that brews coffee by passing boiling water pressurized by steam through ground coffee. The result is a strong, rich, and full-bodied brew. The Moka pot creates a lower pressure than an espresso machine, so it doesn’t produce the characteristic crema of an espresso. Still, it produces a significantly stronger coffee and more intense than regular drip or French press coffee.


Espresso is made using an espresso machine, which forces hot water at high pressure through very finely ground coffee. This method results in a concentrated shot of coffee topped with a layer of crema, the aromatic, creamy foam hallmark of a well-brewed espresso. Espresso is typically richer and darker than Moka coffee, and its intense flavour is often enjoyed in small quantities or used as a base for drinks like lattes and cappuccinos.

In terms of flavour, Moka coffee can be described as balanced, complex, and somewhat less intense than espresso. On the other hand, espresso typically offers a more robust, concentrated coffee flavour with a slight bitterness and a smoother, velvety texture because of the crema.

So, which is better?

Neither is inherently better or worse; it depends on what you want in a cup of coffee. If you enjoy a strong, rich coffee and prefer to savour it in larger quantities, Moka coffee might be your choice. You might lean toward espresso if you love a super-concentrated, robust brew or are a fan of coffee drinks like lattes and cappuccinos.

In the end, the “best” coffee is the one that brings you the most enjoyment, fits your lifestyle, and suits your taste buds. Whether it’s Moka coffee or espresso, each has its unique appeal and place in coffee’s diverse and delightful world.

coffee beans

How does using different coffee beans for Moka coffee impact the flavour?

Any coffee bean can be used to brew Moka coffee. However, the variety, roast level, and grind size of the beans can significantly impact the taste and quality of the final brew. Here’s a breakdown of how each factor affects the flavour:

Coffee Varieties

There are numerous coffee varieties worldwide, but Arabica and Robusta are the two most commonly consumed. Arabica beans are usually more acidic, with multiple flavours depending on their origin. They can taste fruity, chocolatey, or even floral. Conversely, Robusta has a stronger, more bitter taste, with a higher caffeine content (interestingly, Robusta has been carried a bad reputation being used for instant coffee but its redemption has been praised widely now). Some prefer to blend Arabica and Robusta for their Moka coffee for a balanced flavour.

Roast Level

The roast level affects the taste of the coffee significantly. Light roasts are more acidic and retain more of the original coffee bean flavour characteristics. Medium roasts offer a balance between acidity and a deeper, roasted flavour. Dark roasts are less acidic and have a strong, roasted flavour that can be smoky or taste like chocolate or caramel. Traditional Italian Moka coffee is often made with a medium to dark roast for a robust flavour.

Grind Size

For Moka pot brewing, a medium to medium-fine grind is often recommended. If the grind is too coarse, water will pass through the grounds too quickly, resulting in weak, under-extracted coffee. If the grind is too fine, like an espresso grind, it could lead to over-extraction, making the coffee taste bitter. Moreover, fine ground can clog the filter, preventing the water from rising.

Experimenting with different coffee beans and roasts can help you find the perfect blend for your Moka coffee. No matter which type of coffee you choose, ensure it’s fresh and high-quality for the best flavour.

Can Moka coffee be made on different types of stoves?

Yes, you can brew Moka coffee on gas, electric, and induction stoves. However, there might be slight differences in how you handle the Moka pot on each stove type. Here’s a breakdown:

  1. Gas Stove: This is perhaps the most common type of stove used for making Moka coffee. It heats up quickly and allows easy control of the flame size and, consequently, the brewing temperature. Be careful to position the Moka pot so the handle isn’t over the flame to prevent it from melting or getting too hot.
  2. Electric Stove: You can also use a Moka pot on an electric stove, though the heating might be a bit more uneven and slower than a gas stove. However, once you know your stove’s heating patterns, you can adjust accordingly. As with a gas stove, keep the handle away from the heat source to prevent damage.
  3. Induction Stove: Not all Moka pots are compatible with induction stoves. If you want to use a Moka pot on an induction stove, ensure it is specifically marked as induction-friendly. Induction stoves can heat quickly, so you might need to adjust your brewing time to avoid over-extraction.

Remember to use low to medium heat when brewing Moka coffee, regardless of the stove type. High heat can cause over-extraction, taste bitter, and damage the Moka pot over time.

Common Moka Pot Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Moka coffee is easy to make, but some common mistakes can affect the taste and quality of the brew. Here’s a list of some of these mistakes and tips on how to avoid them:

1. Using the Wrong Grind Size

Moka pot coffee requires a medium to medium-fine grind. Using too finely ground coffee can result in over-extraction and a bitter taste, while a too coarse grind can lead to weak, under-extracted coffee. Always grind your coffee to the right consistency, or buy pre-ground coffee designed for Moka pots.

2. Overheating the Water

Many people make the mistake of using too high a heat, resulting in burnt or overly bitter coffee. The water should be heated slowly on low to medium heat. This allows for gentle extraction and a rich, full-bodied brew.

3. Packing the Coffee Too Tightly

Unlike espresso, the coffee in a Moka pot should not be tamped or packed tightly. Doing so can prevent the water from filtering through properly and cause over-extraction. Fill the coffee basket loosely and level off the excess without pressing down.

4. Not Cleaning the Moka Pot Regularly

Over time, coffee residue can build up in the Moka pot, giving your coffee a stale or bitter taste. It’s important to clean your Moka pot thoroughly after each use, especially the filter basket and the upper chamber. Avoid using harsh detergents, as they can leave a residue that might affect the taste of your coffee. Instead, use hot water and a soft brush or sponge, and let the pot dry completely before reassembling.

5. Ignoring the Gasket Condition

The rubber gasket in a Moka pot can degrade over time, which can cause leakage and poor brewing results. Check the gasket regularly and replace it when it shows signs of wear.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure a delicious and authentic Moka coffee experience.

How do you clean and maintain an Italian Moka pot?

Keeping your Moka pot clean and well-maintained is crucial for ensuring the quality and flavour of your coffee. Here are some best practices for cleaning and maintaining your Moka pot:

  • Cleaning After Each Use: Rinse all parts of your Moka pot with warm water after each use. Remove any remaining coffee grounds and make sure all residues are washed away. Avoid using soap or detergent as they can leave a residue and might affect the taste of your coffee.
  • Regular Deep Cleaning: While you should rinse your Moka pot after each use, a deeper cleaning should be performed periodically. This involves disassembling the Moka pot and cleaning each part individually. Be sure to pay particular attention to the filter plate and the gasket. A soft brush can be useful for cleaning hard-to-reach areas.
  • Drying Before Storage: Make sure all parts of your Moka pot are dry before you reassemble and store it. This will help prevent rust and mineral build-up.
  • Regular Gasket and Filter Check: Check the gasket and filter condition regularly. If the gasket appears worn or damaged or the filter is clogged or corroded, replace them as soon as possible.
  • Avoiding Dishwasher: Although some modern Moka pots are labelled dishwasher-safe, it’s generally better to avoid them. The harsh detergents can degrade the aluminium parts over time, and the intense heat can damage the gasket.
  • Using Soft Water: If possible, use soft water for brewing and cleaning your Moka pot. Hard water can lead to mineral build-up, which can affect the flavour of your coffee and shorten the lifespan of your Moka pot.
Moka coffee

Do Italians use moka pot regularly?

The Moka pot is a household staple in Italy and a symbol of Italian culture. It’s commonly used for daily coffee brewing. Many Italians, including us, begin their mornings with the familiar gurgling sound of the Moka pot on the stove, creating a full-bodied coffee to start the day. The Moka pot is not only cherished for the delicious coffee it produces but also for its tradition and the ritual involved in brewing. Despite the prevalence of modern coffee machines and methods, the Moka pot has remained popular and widely used in Italian homes, thanks to its ability to produce consistently flavorful coffee and its longevity as a symbol of Italian coffee culture.

Is it worth buying a Moka pot, or Italian coffee maker?

Considering the exceptional coffee-making capabilities of the Moka pot, its true value becomes even more apparent when compared to the cost of other home coffee machines. Not only does the Moka pot allow you to brew rich and flavorful espresso-like coffee, it does so at a fraction of the price of most other coffee machines. This cost-effectiveness, combined with the high-quality brew it produces, makes the Moka pot an excellent investment for any coffee lover. Furthermore, the Moka pot’s iconic design and enduring durability add to its appeal. The combination of superb coffee quality, affordability, and the tactile pleasure of the brewing process provides a satisfying coffee experience that’s hard to beat. Therefore, despite myriad coffee-making options on the market, the Moka pot holds its own, offering tremendous value for money and an authentic Italian coffee experience, making it absolutely worth considering.

The final takeaway? Whether you’re a seasoned coffee aficionado or a curious novice, making Moka coffee with a traditional Italian coffee maker can offer a delightful and enriching experience. It’s not just about the final cup of coffee—it’s about engaging in a time-honoured process, respecting the craft, and savouring the rich, full-bodied result. Moka coffee is more than a beverage; it’s a tradition that invites us to slow down, enjoy the moment, and truly savour the flavour of life.

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